Coming down hard on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, Home Minister Amit Shah said on Friday her fulminations against central forces betrayed frustration over "impending defeat" in the Assembly elections and wondered whether she is pushing the state towards anarchy.
He exuded confidence that the BJP will win anywhere between 63 and 68 seats where polling has been held in the first three phases. Polling is over in 91 of the state's 294 assembly constituencies in the three phases.
"The frustration of the TMC overe impending defeat is very much evident from her action and speeches. I have never seen a chief minister or the president of a political party use the kind of words Mamata Banerjee is using against central forces. Is she trying to create anarchy? Does she want disturbance? Or does she want to win the election through rigging like before? She should know that central forces do not function under the home ministry during elections," Shah said.